Loy Butte Apr 16

Up LOy Canyon to a point under Loy Butte, then up and over the saddle to the side overlooking Honanki Ruin
IMG 4268   LOY BUTTE IMG 4269   A small group today because rain is forecast. The public trail along the bottom of Loy Canyon past the ranch IMG 4271   And upslope at this dead tree IMG 4273
IMG 4274 IMG 4275 IMG 4276 IMG 4279
IMG 4280 tonemapped IMG 4281 IMG 4282 IMG 4283
IMG 4285 tonemapped   The large ruin IMG 4286   This wall is still mortared IMG 4287 IMG 4289
IMG 4290 tonemapped IMG 4291 IMG 4292 tonemapped IMG 4294
IMG 4296 IMG 4297 IMG 4298 IMG 4299
IMG 4300 IMG 4302 tonemapped IMG 4304 IMG 4305
IMG 4306   A steep ascent of several more levels IMG 4309 IMG 4310 IMG 4311
IMG 4312 IMG 4314   Brings us to the dinosaur tracks IMG 4315   The toughest level.... IMG 4316   And on top of the saddle
IMG 4317 IMG 4318 IMG 4320 IMG 4321   Looking across the adjacent canyon, where Honanki is
IMG 4322   We turn back at the Cowboy Wall, seeing the building weather IMG 4323 tonemapped IMG 4325 IMG 4326
IMG 4327 tonemapped IMG 4328 IMG 4329   Daisies IMG 4330
IMG 4331   back at the 'dinosaur' level IMG 4332 IMG 4333   These steep notches lead down, but too steep IMG 4334 tonemapped
IMG 4335 IMG 4336 IMG 4337   We hasten down off the butte before the rain IMG 4338
IMG 4340   Just in time - on the flat as the rain starts